Wednesday, December 22, 2010

While I wait

Coffee on morning of ultrasound: $1.29

Ultrasound at RE's office: $200.00

Being so in tune with your body that you recognize that you ovulated while walking across the parking on the way TO the ultrasound: PRICELESS


And yes, that did happen to me.

After my ultrasounds last Thursday and Saturday, I was due to go in on Monday to monitor my follicle's progress. (I only had one promising follicle, but at least I had one.) As I walked from my car across the parking lot, I felt a pop on my right side and I knew that that was it. When I was having the ultrasound, the tech was unable to find the follicle. It was taking forever and she told me she couldn't see it. I asked her what that meant and she said it meant I'd ovulated. To say that I was devastated was an understatement. They said that they would talk to my RE and figure out what to do.

I'm not the type of person to sit around, so I kept talking until I spoke to someone that I knew would be on the phone with the RE as soon as we hung up. So yes, I had ovulated so we had to push everything ahead - quickly. Within 7 hours of my ovulation, I had my IUI and I have to say, I'm thankful that it happened that way. I didn't have time to get nervous or anxious. I was in there and it was done.

And so I wait. It's 2dpo/2dpiui and I have a long wait ahead of me. I gave myself the Ovidrel shot on Monday and the bloating is disappearing. I have my progesterone check next Monday, my beta the following Monday.  The only thing that I have to do is relax and be positive. I admit that I was bummed that I only had the one follicle that grew, but in the grand scheme of things, it only takes one!

1 comment:

  1. One follicle is all you need! I'm sorry that you had to go through the stress of ovulating prior to your IUI :(
    Fingers are crossed for you hun!! Good luck with the waiting, it's always a tough two weeks. Have a lovely Christmas and I'll be waiting to hear about a BFP in the new year!!!!
