Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Growing Closer Every Day

Today is 8dpo (8dpiui) and I'm beginning to get nervous. It's not that I'm asymptomatic because I am experiencing some things. My friend is convinced that I am pregnant and I am reserving what I officially feel. But I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. I think talking to my doctor's office instilled a little doubt in me, to be honest because I've felt absolutely positive before this.

I had my progesterone draw and I need assistance in the progesterone department. They said that if I get a positive beta, I take it for 10 wks, otherwise just for one. Of course, I am praying that I get to take it for 10.

The doctor also said that if this cycle didn't work, they want me to do a hybrid cycle with injectibles next cycle. Hmm. I almost said - "Well this one worked, so I don't need to worry about that." LOL! So I guess in all honesty, I'm feeling positive about this. I'm almost afraid to feel positive about it, but really I do. I feel good about this cycle, even though I only had one mature follicle. As I stated in my last post, that is all it takes. So I'm not giving up hope.

I'm getting my progesterone today and beginning my regimen and I'm planning on having to take it for 10 weeks! I have to think positively about this and believe that my IUI worked. If I go by the symptoms I've been experiencing, I'd definitely say that it did!

I believe...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Good luck Cam, I hope this is it for you! Don't worry about having had only one mature follicle - that is all there is supposed to be on a natural cycle. One dominant one that suppresses all the other follicles growth. That is how nature intended it :)

  2. Fingers and toes are crossed! I really hope this is the one! This cycle I knew by the end of the day of my IUI that it had worked. No symptoms yet, I just knew, and I was right. I hope the same is true for you!

  3. Thank you so much to you all! I am appreciative of your kind words and your positive thoughts. I'm still holding out hope!!!
